3.1 Response Error Code

code msg Remark
00000 ok
A0000 Client error
A0001 Signature error
A0002 Timestamp error
A0003 Parameter error
A0004 Card no existed
A0005 Duplicated request
A0006 balance is insufficient
A0007 insufficient privileges
A0008 You have an incomplete application for the same type of card, please complete it first
A0009 Only one card of this type can be applied for
A0010 This card does not support recharging
A0011 Card application not currently supported
A0012 Please use the newest version API The functionality of your current card is newer and the old API is not supported
A0013 Not support change billing address
A0014 There is a currency purchase request that is being processed, and it is not allowed to apply for it again.
A0015 You have not yet applied for any cards!
A0016 This type of card has reached the limit of card issuance. Please contact customer service
A1000 Incorrect card number
A1001 Incorrect envelope number
A1002 This card number has been linked to others
A1003 Invalid card number Contact administrator
A1004 Card linking type exception Contact administrator
A1005 It has been bound successfully and cannot be unbound Contact administrator
B0000 Internal error Contact administrator
B0001 The system environment is abnormal Contact administrator
C0000 Error on 3rd party service Contact administrator
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