2.2.4 Common push event




Response Content-Type:application/json


Endpoint for the common push event is prepared by the merchant and configure at merchant platform.

In all the push event, notify_type will use to identify the event type.

Merchant requires to identify the event type first in order to parse the response message according to the event type.

Merchant can still using the push event configure on 2.2.1 to 2.2.3,and the event data structure would be compatible with the event sent on 2.2.4.

Card Open

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "OPEN_CARD",
  "card_type_id": "40000002",
  "email": "example@gmail.com",
  "mobile": "18301523750",
  "mobile_code": "86",
  "result": 1,
  "remark": "Remark",
  "mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a449361739208"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true OPEN_CARD:Card Open
card_type_id string true Card Type ID
email string true Email;Maximum 64 characters
mobile string true Mobile no;Minimum 6 characters and Maximum 11 characters
mobile_code string true Mobile no country code;Maximum 5 characters
result number true Application result: 1: Success ; 2: Failure
remark string false Remark
mc_trade_no string false If your Card Application have mc_trade_no, then there is this field at this time, otherwise there will be no this field


Example Request:

  "notify_type": "RECHARGE",
  "card_id": "00003454323400000028888",
  "mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb22",
  "result": "1"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true RECHARGE:Recharge
card_id string true Card ID
mc_trade_no string true Merchant transaction business no
result number true Recharge result: 1 Success ;2Failure
remark string false Remark

Card Operation

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "OPERATION",
  "request_number": "48d2741747a449b2968a91e2523feb22",
  "operate_status": "1",
  "card_id": "00003454323400000028888"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true OPERATION:Card Operation
card_id string true Card ID
request_number string true Request number,same as Card operation request API's request_number
operate_status string true Operation result: 0 In operation;1 Third party success;2 Fail;98 Pending payment;99 Waiting for third party

Card Transaction

This event is not included the amount use in the transaction.

This event is mainly for notify the merchant for the new transaction have been product.

Merchant can use enquiry endpoint to check for the transaction detail.

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "CONSUME",
  "card_id": "6654358889900018888"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true CONSUME:Card Transaction
card_id string true Card id

Purchase Crypto Coin

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "BUY_COIN",
  "reason": "insufficient balance",
  "mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb24",
  "tx_id": "20230413145817505390",
  "card_id": "6283244889900010107",
  "status": "2"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true BUY_COIN:Purchase Crypto Coin
card_id string true Card id
mc_trade_no string true Transaction no,merchant defined
status number true Transaction status;Eg:0:Pending,1: Success,2:Fail
tx_id string true Transaction id, generated by HyperCard,No more than 64 characters
reason string false Failure reason

Cancel Card

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "CANCEL_CARD",
  "card_id": "20230413145817505390",
  "refund_amount": "100.00"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true CANCEL_CARD:Cancel Card
card_id string true Card id
refund_amount string true refund amount after cancel card

3ds Auth notify

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "AUTH_3DS",
  "auth_id": 283,
  "card_id": "15723682800000053333",
  "card_no": "103411******3333",
  "txn_currency": "EUR",
  "txn_amount": "1.00",
  "card_acceptor_merchant_name": "Amazon",
  "card_acceptor_location_country": 1,
  "auth_result": 2,
  "expired_time": 1706650873,
  "created_Time": 1699865734,
  "updated_Time": 1699865734

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true AUTH_3DS:3ds Auth notify
auth_id int true 3ds Transaction id
card_id string string Card id
card_no string true Card number
txn_currency string true Transaction currency; ISO currency code
txn_amount string true Transaction Amount
card_acceptor_merchant_name string true Transaction merchant name
card_acceptor_location_country int true Transaction location country; ISO3166-2 Standard country code
auth_result int true Auth result; see 3ds Auth status
expired_time int true Expired time,Unix timestamp (in second); Automatically expires if not authorized or denied before this time
created_Time int true Transaction create time; Unix timestamp (in second)
updated_Time int true Transaction update time; Unix timestamp (in second)

Opt Code Send

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "OPT_CODE",
  "card_id": "1085185460000094505",
  "code": "888666",
  "create_time": 1710412477

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true OPT_CODE: opt code
card_id string true Card id
code string true code
create_time int true code create time; Unix timestamp (in second)

Card Config Change Notify

Example Request:

  "notify_type": "CARD_CONFIG_CHANGE",
  "card_type_id": "40000002",
  "modify_time": 1710412477

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true CARD_CONFIG_CHANGE: Card Config Change Business
card_type_id string true Card Type ID
modify_time int true modify time; Unix timestamp (in second)

Expect API Response:

Parameter Name Type Description
code int Status:1 Success; other code is failed, And will be notified until successful.
msg string Result message
data object Reserve

Example Response:

  "code": 1,
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {}
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