2.1.31 Card Application (Express mode)-v4




Response Content-Type:application/json


This is the upgraded version of API 2.1.26.

Changed: Added Transaction number field (mc_trade_no) on request parameter.

Example Request:

  "base_info": {
    "card_type_id": "40000002",
    "email": "example@gmail.com",
    "first_name": "pan",
    "first_recharge_amount": "188",
    "last_name": "gao",
    "mobile": "1888888888",
    "mobile_code": "86",
    "user_ip": ""
  "mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb22"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
mc_trade_no string true Transaction number, merchant defined; Maximum 64 characters.
base_info object true User Base Info
  card_type_id string true Card type ID
  email string true Email;Maximum 64 characters.
  first_name string true First name;Maximum 50 characters
  last_name string true Last name;Maximum 50 characters
  mobile string true Mobile no;Minimum 6 characters and Maximum 11 characters
  mobile_code string true Mobile no country code;Maximum 5 characters
  user_ip string false User IP Address
  first_recharge_amount string false Initial deposit amount:Fiat amount deposited to the card after card application success, must be larger than 0.
If pre_apply=true, can leave this filed as empty.

API Response:

Parameter Name Type Description
code string Error code
msg string Error message

Example Response:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok"
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