1.4 API Specification

  • To ensure the integrity, authenticity and the correctness of sender identity, open API request are authenticated using SHA256WithRSA. Both party (requester, receiver) need to whitelist each other’s IP to prevent illegal request execution.
  • Both parameter names and URL are in lowercase.
  • All the date/time use inside the API are based on the timing at GMT+8 (Beijing time). Requesters need to convert the date time to GMT+8 when using this API
  • Pagination. All the records inquiry API has the pagination, pagination parameter: page = current page number,size = number of records in each page. Field total and field records will always return by the API.
  • All the API will use Unix timestamp (in second) for the time/date related data.
  • All the amounts use inside the API are using string type to avoid loss of precision.
  • All the request body are using JSON format unless otherwise. Content-Type:application/json
  • Maximum range of the records inquiry API must be less than 1 month
  • Internationalization. English would be default locale,Please refer to the table below for the supported language,must be set in the request header of each request.
Language tag Corresponding Language
en English
zh-CN Chinese simplified
  • Request header information:
Parameter Name Type Required Description
timestamp long true Unix timestamp (in second)
nonce string true Random 10 characters string
api-key string true Merchant identification, provide by Hyperpay
signature string true Signature of request body+ header request
version string true API version number, default 1.0
lang string false Language;Default English,this header need to included into the signature.
  • API respond structure:
Parameter Name Description Type
code Error code。00000:Success , other than 00000:Unusual string
msg Error message. Success respond would be “ok” string
data Data object
  • HTTP response code
HTTP response code Description
200 OK
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
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