2.1.37 Retrive merchant card list-v5
Response Content-Type:application/json
This is the upgraded version of API 2.1.34.
Note ⚠️: Subsequent request body and response body on the interface may add more fields; therefore, when using this interface, new fields that are not recognized need to be ignored to prevent errors
Update Log:
Update Time | Update Content |
2023-07-20 | Added card_detail_obtain_way field on respond parameter |
2023-09-06 | Added kyc_country_limit ,billing_kyc_column_limit fields on respond parameter |
2023-09-18 | Added can_change_billing_address field on respond parameter |
2024-02-19 | Added doc_type field on respond parameter |
2024-03-15 | Added can_repeat field on respond parameter |
2024-04-09 | Added card_type_id field on request parameter; Added status field on respond parameter |
2024-04-23 | Added black_list_types field on respond parameter |
2024-04-23 | Added need_aml_report , aml_type field on respond parameter |
2024-05-06 | Added need_poa , support_poa_type field on respond parameter |
2024-06-07 | Added kyc_nationality_limit_id field on respond parameter |
2024-11-06 | Added kyc_nationality_limit_short 、kyc_country_limit_short field on respond parameter |
2024-12-17 | Added multiple_boolean_config field on respond parameter |
Request Parameter:
"card_type_id": "40000002"
Request Parameter:
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
card_type_id | string | false | Card type ID |
API Response:
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code |
data | array | Data object for this respond |
activate_type | integer | Method of Activation |
apply_pay_coin | string | Coin type use for paying the card purchase fee |
apply_type | integer | Card application mode;Application Type |
card_coin | string | Coin type that can be use for the card |
card_fee | string | Card fee |
card_org | integer | Card organization |
card_sub_type | string | Card material |
card_type | string | Bank card type (like virtual / physical card) |
card_type_id | string | Id of card type |
china_postage | string | Postage for China region (In usd) |
kyc_nationality_limit | integer | KYC nationality limitation;DEPRECATED,please use kyc_nationality_limit_id . |
max_recharge_amount | string | Maximum recharge amount in 1day |
max_single_recharge_amount | string | Maximum recharge amount in single transaction |
min_single_recharge_amount | string | Minimum recharge amount |
non_china_postage | string | Postage for non-China country (In usd) |
recharge_fee | string | Recharge fee |
recharge_pay_coin | string | Coin type use for recharge |
support_business | string | Supported operations, see :3.11 Operation Type |
support_refund | integer | Either card allow to refund |
need_first_recharge | integer | Determine either initial deposit is mandatory. If it is mandatory, must using Card Application V2 or later API for card application.1: Mandatory,0: Non-Mandatory |
min_first_recharge_amount | string | Minimum initial deposit amount. Follow card currency for the unit. |
more_card | integer | Whether to support the same user to open multiple cards of the same card type. 1: support,0: not support |
can_recharge | integer | Whether to support recharge. 1: support,0: not support. If recharge is not supported, the card cannot be recharged and card opening application is not allowed |
card_detail_obtain_way | integer | Ways to obtain bank card details;0: Obtain through the API interface, 1: Obtain by encryption (the user opens the page and enters the password to query the card number),2:Obtain by Email 1 Obtain by encryption: can only call 2.1.37 Inquiry on bank card detail-v2 interface。 0 Obtain through the API interface: You can continue to call the 2.1.7 Bank card detail interface,However, it is recommended to upgrade to the 2.1.37 Inquiry on bank card detail-v2 interface |
kyc_country_limit | String | Country Limit, Comma separated country id; If this field is not empty, the value of the country_id field when calling the card request interface must be within the range of this field |
kyc_country_limit_short | String | Country Limit, Comma separated country short name; If this field is not empty, the value of the country_id field when calling the card request interface must be within the range of this field |
billing_kyc_column_limit | integer | Billing mode Card Application column Limit, Only when apply_type = 4, this filed will not null; 1: All column need; 2: Section column need; |
can_change_billing_address | integer | Is this card can change billing address; 1 allow, 0 not allow |
doc_type | string | Support Doc Type; If multiple are supported, separate them with commas |
can_repeat | integer | Whether allow repeat email or phone to apply same card. 1: can repeat,0: can not repeat, only v4 or higher interface support |
status | integer | The card status: 1: enabled; 0: disabled. Disabled cards cannot apply for card issuance |
black_list_types | array | Consume Black list |
black_list_type | string | Consume Black list type |
black_list_details | array | Consume Black list details |
black_list_name | string | Consume Black list name |
black_list_image | string | Consume Black list image url |
need_aml_report | integer | If this card need upload AML report; 1 need, 0 not need |
aml_type | integer | AML report Provide type; 1: merchant use 2.1.45 Attachment upload to Provide,2: Hyper card automatically provided |
need_poa | integer | If this card need proof of address;1 need, 0 not need; if need poa 2.1.32 Card Application, 2.1.39 Card Application and 2144_application_online.md api's poa_type can not empty |
support_poa_type | integer | Support Poa supply Type; 1 Self-service provision 2 Assist with certification;If multiple are supported, separate them with commas;3.21 Poa doc Type |
kyc_nationality_limit_id | string | Unsupported nationality id; If multiple separate them with commas |
kyc_nationality_limit_short | string | Unsupported nationality short name; If multiple separate them with commas |
annual_fee | string | annual fee, in usdt |
multiple_boolean_config | integer | Multiple boolean card config,when multiple_boolean_config&1=1,it means is need use sdk,if need use sdk2.1.38 Inquiry on bank card detail、2.1.46 Pin Query、2.1.42 3ds transaction auth、2.1.43 3ds transaction auth statusAPIs need use in sdk;sdk need token you can use2.1.49 Get tokenAPI to get token |
msg | string | Error message |
Example Response:
"code": "00000",
"data": [
"activate_type": "1",
"apply_pay_coin": "[\"usdt\",\"btc\",\"eth\",\"hbt\"]",
"apply_type": "1",
"card_coin": "usd",
"card_fee": "100.00000000",
"card_org": "1",
"card_sub_type": "1",
"card_type": "1",
"card_type_id": "40000002",
"china_postage": "100.02",
"kyc_nationality_limit": "1",
"max_recharge_amount": "100000.00000000",
"max_single_recharge_amount": "1000.00000000",
"min_single_recharge_amount": "10.00000000",
"min_first_recharge_amount": "100.00",
"need_first_recharge": 1,
"non_china_postage": "10.02",
"recharge_fee": "0.02800000",
"recharge_pay_coin": "[\"usdt\",\"btc\"]",
"support_business": "1,2,3",
"support_refund": "0",
"more_card": 1,
"can_recharge": 1,
"card_detail_obtain_way": 1,
"kyc_country_limit": "1,2,3,4",
"doc_type": "1,2",
"can_repeat": 1,
"status": 1,
"black_list_types": [
"black_list_type": "online pay",
"black_list_details": [
"black_list_name": "alipay",
"black_list_image": "https://hyperpay.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/2024-03/20240305150642158571.png"
"need_aml_report": 1,
"aml_type": 1,
"need_poa": 1,
"support_poa_type": "1,2",
"kyc_nationality_limit_id": "1,2",
"annual_fee": "0.00000000",
"kyc_country_limit_short" : "CN,US",
"kyc_nationality_limit_short": "CN,US",
"multiple_boolean_config": 1
"msg": "ok"