2.1.23 Single card transaction Inquiry-v2




Response Content-Type:application/json


This is the upgraded version of API 2.1.9.

Changed: Added transaction number (mc_trade_no),transaction submission date (posting_date) and transaction date (transaction_date).

Example Request:

  "card_id": "00003454323400000028888",
  "end_time": "102022",
  "start_time": "012022"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
card_id string true Card ID: Id of the card, will return with the Inquiry Card Application Result API (/openapi/card/apply/result) once approved.
end_time string true End month for the searching. Format is“MMyyyy”, Maximum month can inquiry is 6 months.
start_time string true Start to search for statement, format is “MMyyyy”

API Response:

Parameter Name Type Description
code string Error code
data array Response data
  bank_tx_list array List of transactions
  credit string Credited amount
  debit string Deducted amount
  description string Transaction description
  fee string Handling fee,only for certain card type
  posting_date string Date when the transaction submitted: Unix timestamp in seconds
  transaction_date string Transaction date;Unix timestamp in seconds
  tx_amount string Transaction currency value
  tx_currency string Transaction currency
  tx_id string Transaction ID
  type integer Transaction type
  status integer Transaction status
  mc_trade_no string Transaction number; This value is only available for card transactions initiated by you, such as recharge
  month_year string Statement for which period, MMyyyy
  statement_cycle_date string Date for the statement generated
msg string Error message

Example Response:

  "code": "00000",
  "data": [
      "bank_tx_list": [
          "credit": 2.5,
          "debit": 2.5,
          "description": "MONTHLY FEE",
          "fee": 0,
          "posting_date": "1595497477",
          "transaction_date": "1595497477",
          "mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb22",
          "tx_amount": 2.5,
          "tx_currency": "usd",
          "tx_id": 54675678678,
          "type": 1
      "month_year": "022020",
      "statement_cycle_date": "28/11/2019"
  "msg": "ok"
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