2.1.47 Transaction Query-v3




Response Content-Type:application/json


Note ⚠️: Subsequent request body and response body on the interface may add more fields; therefore, when using this interface, new fields that are not recognized need to be ignored to prevent errors

Request example:

  "end_time": "1688624098",
  "page": 1,
  "size": 10,
  "start_time": "1683861617",
  "business_type": 101,
  "card_id": "6283158889900017277"

Request parameters:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
end_time string true End time: UNIX timestamp, in seconds, the time interval with the start time cannot exceed 60 days
page integer true Number of pages
size integer true Number of entries per page, minimum 10 and maximum 200
start_time string true Start time: UNIX timestamp, in seconds
business_type integer true Business query type
card_id string false Card ID

API Response:

Different transaction types return inconsistent fields, please judge according to the transaction type

Consumption (business_type=1) type field

Parameter Name Type Description
code string Error code
data object response data
  total integer total number of records
  page integer current page
  size integer number of records per page
  records array data records
    card_name string card name
    card_id string consumption amount
    card_number string transaction description
    business_type integer business query type
    tx_currency string Original transaction currency
    tx_amount string Original transaction amount
    deduction_currency string Actual deduction currency
    deduction_amount string Actual deduction amount
    fee string Service fee
    mcc string MCC
    tx_time integer Transaction date; timestamp accurate to seconds
    tx_id string Transaction ID
    tx_status integer Transaction status
    description string Transaction description
msg string Error message

Consumption response example:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "card_name": "Fast Dollar Virtual Card",
        "card_id": "6283158889900017277",
        "card_number": "296068******7277",
        "business_type": 1,
        "tx_currency": "jp",
        "tx_amount": "10.00000000",
        "deduction_currency": "eur",
        "deduction_amount": "10.00000000",
        "mcc": "123455",
        "tx_time": 1702869308,
        "tx_id": "2023101610280651702869308",
        "tx_status": 1,
        "description": "test"
    "total": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "page": 1

Recharge (business_type=2) type field

Parameter Name Type Description
code string Error code
data object Response data
  total integer Total number of entries
  page integer Current page
  size integer Number of entries per page
  records array data record
    card_name string card name
    card_id string consumption amount
    card_number string transaction description
    business_type integer business query type
    pay_coin string payment currency
    tx_amount string payment amount
    card_coin string top-up currency
    currency_amount string Recharge amount
    real_currency_amount string Actual amount received
    recharge_fee_amount string Handling fee, unit: USDT
    real_refund_amount string Refund amount
    tx_time integer Transaction date; timestamp accurate to seconds
    tx_id string Transaction ID
    tx_status integer Transaction status
    description string Transaction description
msg string Error message

Consumption response example:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "card_name": "USD virtual card(PH)",
        "card_id": "6283158889900017277",
        "card_number": "296068******7277",
        "business_type": 2,
        "pay_coin": "usdt",
        "tx_amount": "102.99569182",
        "card_coin": "usd",
        "currency_amount": "100.00",
        "real_currency_amount": "0.00",
        "recharge_fee_amount": "102.99569182",
        "real_refund_amount": "0",
        "tx_id": "202302211407281434986653",
        "tx_time": 1670402628,
        "tx_status": 1,
        "description": ""
    "total": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "page": 1

Withdrawal (business_type=3) type field

Parameter Name Type Description
code string Error code
data object Response data
  total integer total number of records
  page integer current page
  size integer number of records per page
  records array data records
    card_name string card name
    card_id string Card ID
    card_number string Card number
    business_type integer Business query type
    tx_currency string original transaction currency
    tx_amount string Original transaction amount
    trade_currency string Transaction currency
    trade_amount string Transaction amount
    bank_fee string Bank handling fee
    tx_time integer Transaction date; timestamp accurate to seconds
    tx_id string Transaction ID
    tx_status integer Transaction status
    description string Transaction description
msg string Error message

Withdrawal response example:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "card_name": "USD Virtual Card (PH222-522981)",
        "card_id": "6283158889900017277",
        "card_number": "296068**** **7277",
        "business_type": 3,
        "tx_currency": "usd",
        "tx_amount": "10.00000000",
        "trade_currency": "usd",
        "trade_amount": "10.00000000",
        "bank_fee": "1.00000000",
        "tx_time": 1701325500,
        "tx_id": "2023101610280651701325500",
        "tx_status": 1,
        "description": "test"
    "total": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "page": 1

Refund (business_type=8)

Parameter Name Type Description
code string error code
data object response data
  total integer total number of records
  page integer current page
  size integer number of entries per page
  records array data records
    card_name string card name
    card_id string Card ID
    card_number string Card number
    business_type integer Business query type
    tx_currency string Original transaction currency
    tx_amount string Original transaction amount
    refund_coin string Refund currency
    refund_amount string Refund amount
    tx_time integer Transaction date; timestamp accurate to the second
    tx_id string Transaction ID
    tx_status integer Transaction Status
    description string Transaction Description
msg string Error Message

*Refund Response Example *:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "card_name": "Quick Dollar Virtual Card",
        "card_id": "6283158889900017277",
        "card_number": "296068******7277",
        "business_type": 8,
        "tx_currency": "jp",
        "tx_amount": "0.00000000",
        "refund_coin": "eur",
        " refund_amount": "0.00000000",
        "tx_time": 1702869346,
        "tx_id": "2023101610280651702869346",
        "tx_status": 1,
        "description": "test"
    "total": 1,
    "size": 10,
    " page": 1

Handling fee (business_type=10) type field

Parameter Name Type Description
code string error code
data object response data
  total integer total number of records
  page integer current page
  size integer number of records per page
  records array data records
    card_name string card name
    card_id string Card ID
    card_number string Card number
    business_type integer Business query type
    tx_amount string Service fee amount
    service_fee_status string Service Fee collection status
    consume_tx_id string Consumption order number
    bill_cycle string Billing cycle
    bill_total integer Number of bills
    fail_num integer Number of refunds/number of failed authorizations
    service_fee_standard string Service fee standard/transaction
    fail_rate string Refund rate/authorization failure rate
    tx_time integer Transaction date; timestamp accurate to seconds
    tx_id string Transaction ID
    tx_status integer Transaction Status
    description string Transaction Description
msg string Error Message

Fees Response Example:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "card_name": "Fast Dollar Virtual Card",
        "card_id": "",
        "card_number": "125948******1547",
        "business_type": 10,
        "tx_amount": "0.20000000",
        "service_fee_status": "Paid",
        "consume_tx_id": "2023101610280651702869305",
        "bill_cycle": "2023-12-01",
        "bill_total": 1,
        "fail_num": 0,
        "service_fee_standard": 0.20000000,
        "fail_rate": "--",
        "tx_time": 1702870125,
        "tx_id": "202312181128584149101261800879",
        "tx_status": 1,
        "description": "Consumption service fee"
    "total": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "page": 1

Buy coin (business_type=101) type field

Parameter Name Type Description
code string error code
data object response data
  total integer total number of records
  page integer current page
  size integer number of records per page
  records array data records
    card_name string card name
    card_id string Card ID
    card_number string Card number
    business_type integer business query type
    pay_coin string Payment currency
    tx_amount string Payment amount
    buy_coin string Purchase currency
    buy_amount string Purchase amount
    fee_coin string Fee currency
    fee string Fee amount
    tx_time integer Transaction date; timestamp accurate to seconds
    tx_id string Transaction ID
    tx_status integer Transaction status
msg string Error message

Buy coin response example:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "card_name": "Fast USD Virtual Card",
        "card_id": "6283158889900017277",
        "card_number": "296068******7277",
        "business_type": 101,
        "pay_coin": "usd",
        "tx_amount": "188.00000000",
        "buy_coin": "usdt",
        "buy_amount": "182.63395093",
        "fee_coin": "usd",
        "fee": "5.64847271",
        "tx_time": 1683861617,
        "tx_id": "202305121120170304999554",
        "tx_status": 1
    "total": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "page": 1

Cancel card (business_type=102) type field

Parameter Name Type Description
code string error code
data object response data
  total integer total number of records
  page integer current page
  size integer number of records per page
  records array data records
    card_name string card name
    card_id string Card ID
    card_number string Card number
    business_type integer business query type
    tx_amount string Transaction amount
    card_coin string Card currency
    refund_coin string Refund currency
    refund_amount string Refund amount
    fee_coin string Fee currency
    fee string Fee amount
    tx_time integer Transaction date; timestamp accurate to seconds
    tx_id string Transaction ID
    tx_status integer Transaction status
msg string Error message

Cancel card response example:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "card_name": "USD virtual card(PH222)",
        "card_id": "108582885229810034",
        "card_number": "522981******80034",
        "business_type": 102,
        "tx_amount": "10.00000000",
        "card_coin": "usd",
        "refund_amount": "10.00000000",
        "refund_coin": "usd",
        "fee_coin": "usd",
        "fee": "0.00000000",
        "tx_time": 1691479891,
        "tx_id": "202308081807291439542548",
        "tx_status": 1
    "total": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "page": 1
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