2.1.16 Merchant transactions




Response Content-Type:application/json


Example Request:

  "coin": "usdt",
  "end_time": "1676359867",
  "page": "1",
  "size": "200",
  "start_time": "1676349867"

Request Parameter:

Parameter name Type Required Description
coin string false Coin type
end_time string true End time to query in Unix timestamp (second), must be less than 60day away from start time
page integer true Page number
size integer true Number of records in each page. Minimum is 10 and Maximum is 200
start_time string true Start time to query in Unix timestamp(second)

API Response:

Parameter name Type Description
code string Error code
data object Response data object
  list array Data list
  business_type integer Business type
  coin string Coin type involve in transaction
  tx_amount number Transaction amount
  tx_id string Transaction ID
  tx_status integer Transaction Status
  tx_time integer Transaction time:Unix timestamp (second)
  tx_type integer Transaction Type
  total integer Total record
msg string Error message

Example Response:


"code": "00000",

"data": {

"list": [


"business_type": 1,

"coin": "usdt",

"tx_amount": "100.00",

"tx_id": 54675678678,

"tx_status": 1,

"tx_time": "1676349867",

"tx_type": 0



"total": 10000


"msg": "ok"


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