2.1.32 Card Application (Basic mode)-v4




Response Content-Type:application/json


This is the upgraded version of API 2.1.21.

Changed: Added mc_trade_nodoc_never_expire and doc_never_expire field on request parameter.

Example Request:

  "base_info": {
    "card_type_id": "40000002",
    "email": "example@gmail.com",
    "first_name": "pan",
    "first_recharge_amount": "188",
    "last_name": "gao",
    "mobile": "1888888888",
    "mobile_code": "86",
    "user_ip": ""
  "kyc_info": {
    "address": "maizidianjie28hao",
    "back_doc": "",
    "birthday": "1990-01-01",
    "city": "beijing",
    "country_id": "CN",
    "doc_expire_date": "2026-06-16",
    "doc_never_expire": 0,
    "doc_no": 12345678,
    "doc_type": 1,
    "emergency_contact": "John",
    "front_doc": "",
    "gender": 1,
    "mix_doc": "",
    "nationality_id": "CN",
    "sign_img": "",
    "state": "beijing",
    "poa_doc": "",
    "poa_type": "1"
  "mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb22"

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
mc_trade_no string true Transaction number, merchant defined; Maximum 64 characters.
base_info object true User Base Info
  card_type_id string true Card type ID
  email string true Email;Maximum 64 characters.
  first_name string true First name;Maximum 50 characters
  last_name string true Last name;Maximum 50 characters
  mobile string true Mobile no;Minimum 6 characters and Maximum 11 characters
  mobile_code string true Mobile no country code;Maximum 5 characters
  user_ip string false User IP Address
  first_recharge_amount string false Initial deposit amount:Fiat amount deposited to the card after card application success, must be larger than 0.
If pre_apply=true, can leave this filed as empty.
kyc_info object true User KYC Info
  address string true Mailing address,Card will sending to this address;Maximum 256 characters; By default, the regular expression must be met:323_address_regex's Default regex . If card_type_id is in the range [71000003,71000002], the regular expression must be met: 323_address_regex's 71000003,71000002 regex
  back_doc string false Photo of back document;Encoded into bas64 format. The size of this field should be less than 2MB. Support:jpg,jpeg,png
  birthday string true Date of birth, format: yyyy-MM-dd
  city string true City;Maximum 100 characters
  country_id string true Country ID,Refer to the appendix【3.2 Mobile Phone Area Code and Country Code】-【ISO 3166 alpha2】for the range of values;If Retrive merchant card list response kyc_country_limit_short column is not empty, Then the value of this field must be within thekyc_country_limit_short field range
  doc_no string true Document no;Maximum 128 characters
  doc_type integer true Document Type; you can get the supported doc type from card list
  emergency_contact string true Emergency contact person;Maximum 255 characters
  front_doc string true Photo of front document;Encoded into base64 format. The size of this field should be less than 2MB. Support:jpg,jpeg,png
  gender integer true Gender:1 Male; 2 Female
  mix_doc string true Photo of user with holding the ID/Passport;Encoded into base64 format. The size of this field should be less than 2MB. Support:jpg,jpeg,png
  nationality_id string true Nationality ID,Refer to the appendix【3.2 Mobile Phone Area Code and Country Code】-【ISO 3166 alpha2】for the range of values
  sign_img string true Photo of signature;Encoded into base64 format. The size of this field should be less than 1 MB. Support:jpg,jpeg,png
  state string true State;Maximum 100 characters
  zip_code string true Postal Code;Maximum 20 characters Same set as mobile no country code
  doc_expire_date string false Expiry date of Document;Maximum 16 characters; format: yyyy-MM-dd)
  doc_never_expire integer true Is the Document permanent; 1 is permanent,and then ignore the doc_expire_date filed; 0 is not permanent,and then the doc_expire_date filed must not Empty
  poa_doc string false Proof of address doc;Encoded into base64 format. The size of this field should be less than 2MB. Support:jpg,jpeg,png,pdf;If the 2.1.37 Retrive merchant card list-v5 api need_poa is 1, you can use this field supply poa doc
  poa_type integer false Proof of address type;1 Self-service provision 2 Assist with certification;If this value is 1, the poa_doc must not empty;If the 2.1.37 Retrive merchant card list-v5 api need_poa is 1, this field can not empty

API Response:

Parameter Name Type Description
code string Error code
msg string Error message

Example Response:

  "code": "00000",
  "msg": "ok"
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