2.1.29 Inquiry Card Application Result-V2
Response Content-Type:application/json
Use the Transaction number passed in when card apply or binding the card to query the card apply or binding result
Example Request:
"mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a4493223fe010"
Request Parameter:
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
mc_trade_no | string | true | Transaction number, merchant defined; Maximum 64 characters |
API Response:
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code |
msg | string | Error message |
data | object | Data of card application result |
mc_trade_no | string | Transaction number |
result | object | Card Apply Or Binding Result |
card_id | string | Card ID |
card_number | string | Card number |
card_status | integer | Card status |
card_type_id | string | Card type ID |
create_timestamp | integer | Card creation time |
fail_reason | string | Reason of failure card application |
Example Response:
"code": "00000",
"msg": "ok",
"data": {
"mc_trade_no": "48d2741747a4493223fe010",
"result": {
"card_type_id": "90000007",
"card_id": "6294677900000074589",
"card_number": "424904******4589",
"card_status": 3,
"fail_reason": "",
"create_timestamp": 1685351195000