2.1.51 Get token used in cipherkey app
Response Content-Type:application/json
if 2.1.37 card_list_v5 api response multiple_boolean_config&1=1, you can use the cipherkey app provided by us, and use this api get token.
use cipherkey app process:
Please contact the administrator to get cipherkey app download url.
Note ⚠️: Subsequent request body and response body on the interface may add more fields; therefore, when using this interface, new fields that are not recognized need to be ignored to prevent errors
Example Request:
"card_id": "1081891260000016111",
"operation_type": 2,
"auth_id": ""
Request Parameter:
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | string | true | Card ID |
operation_type | integer | true | Operation type;1: Check card information(Only support Virtual card); 2: Check PIN code(Only support Physical card); 3: 3ds transaction authorization |
auth_id | integer | false | auth id, if operation_type = 3, this filed is Required; you can get this filed from 2.2.4 Common push event, notify_type = AUTH_3DS |
API Response:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code |
data | string | token info;You need to display this information to your users in the form of a QR code so that they can scan this information through the Cipherkey app |
msg | string | Error message |
Example Response:
"code": "00000",
"msg": "ok",
"data": "CipherKey_eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJlQkU2Qmw1WnhNZHFNbzFJUU5pd2hqOGVGcTNZclJSblNGQjlRbHQyYllnZTZRaWFYRG8zeDJnUW4vTXZFUWpMakhGMDRBNWNnVkxpR2ZmQUJxYzBVcW8vTVI3M3l4UndlbmViR0FtbnBraz0iLCJleHAiOjIwNTIxMTI4NTYsImlhdCI6MTczNjc1Mjg1Nn0.4m2t1SaGNnXY-7mnkS0i0U2obmiIZyob68NIqIjipsOytUEzJRjZ5P6jM9jttaNUe80Igg5feNwfTE9-2xb79A_3"